1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | --“Ver sessões travadas” select 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '|| ''''||sid||','||serial#||',@'||inst_id||''' IMMEDIATE; --'||osuser||' '||client_info||' '||program from gv$session where lockwait is not null; --“Ver quem está travando as sessões” select vl.block, 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '|| ''''||vs.sid||','||vs.serial#||',@'||vs.inst_id||''' IMMEDIATE; -- Usuario:'||osuser||' Mais inf: '||client_info||'Programa:'||program from gv$session vs inner join gv$lock vl on vs.inst_id = vl.inst_id and vs.sid = vl.sid where vl.id1 is not null and vl.id2 is not null and vl.block = 1; --"Usuários com objetos bloqueados" select distinct 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '|| ''''||vs.sid||','||vs.serial#||',@'||vs.inst_id||''' IMMEDIATE; --'||vs.osuser||' '||vs.client_info||' '||vs.program from gv$session vs inner join GV$LOCKED_OBJECT vl on vl.session_id = vs.sid and vs.inst_id = vl.inst_id; select * from GV$LOCKED_OBJECT; select 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '|| ''''||sid||','||serial#||',@'||inst_id||''' IMMEDIATE; --'||osuser||' '||client_info||' '||program from gv$session where username='RM'; select 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '|| ''''||sid||','||serial#||',@'||inst_id||''' IMMEDIATE;' from gv$session where username='RM'; select count(*) from gv$session where username='RM'; select o.sid, osuser, machine, count(*) num_curs from v$open_cursor o, v$session s where o.sid=s.sid and OSUSER = 'totvsintegra' group by o.sid, osuser, machine order by num_curs desc; select count(*) num_curs from v$open_cursor o, v$session s where o.sid=s.sid --group by o.sid, osuser, machine order by num_curs desc; select vl.block, 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '|| ''''||vs.sid||','||vs.serial#||',@'||vs.inst_id||''' IMMEDIATE;' from gv$session vs inner join gv$lock vl on vs.inst_id = vl.inst_id and vs.sid = vl.sid where vl.id1 is not null and vl.id2 is not null and vl.block = 1; select 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '|| ''''||sid||','||serial#||',@'||inst_id||''' IMMEDIATE; --'||osuser||' '||client_info||' '||program from gv$session where lockwait is not null; |